About this Presentation

Australia has a second adrenaline injector that has been PBS listed in the marketplace. This practical demonstration shows how individuals use Anapen®. Anapen has a 150mcg, 300mcg and 500mcg dose for people 50kg and over. Individuals must also be given an ASCIA Action Plan (emergency response plan) for the device they have been subscribed.

About the Expert

Dr Wendy Freeman

Dr Freeman is an associate member of the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA). She has been involved with the National Allergy Strategy since its inception in 2015 on steering and project committees and is passionate about improving the lives of people living with allergy. She has completed post graduate training in allergy through the University of Western Sydney and worked in the allergy department at the Royal Melbourne Hospital and at the Centre for Food Allergy Research (CFAR) until 2021. Wendy has done volunteer work for Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia (A&AA) for 15 years and since the start of 2021 has been employed there as a Health Management Educator.