About this Presentation

Australia has a second adrenaline injector that has been PBS listed in the marketplace. This practical demonstration shows how individuals use Anapen®. Anapen has a 150mcg, 300mcg anda 500mcg dose for people 50kg and over. Individuals must also be given an ASCIA Action Plan (emergency response plan) for the device they have been subscribed.

About the Expert

Maria Said

Maria Said is the Chief Executive Officer of Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia (A&AA). She is a Registered Nurse and is Co-chair of the National Allergy Strategy. Maria has been a member of A&AA since 1993 when her son was diagnosed with severe atopy including food allergy. She became national President of the organisation in 1999. Maria is an advocate for individuals who live with allergic disease and shares information on the mission of the organisation and the consumer perspective with teaching and health professionals, the food industry, government, and the community. Maria is an associate member of the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA). Maria has more than 30 years of experience in the day-to-day management of allergic disease and is nationally and internationally recognised and respected.