About this Presentation

There are many old wives’ tales told about breastfeeding, and many of these are now debunked by science. The true reasons for nipple pain are most likely to be due to inflammation resulting from mechanical microtrauma of the nipple and areola epithelium, connective tissue stroma, and/or overhydration of the nipple. Antibiotics are no longer indicated for every woman who has mastitis.  There are many reasons proposed for unsettled babies, but feeding position is unlikely to be considered.

About the Expert

Dr Pamela Douglas

Dr Douglas is an Australian GP, and an international leader in infant-care. She is founder and Medical Director of the charity Possums & Co, writer and researcher, with special interest in perinatal mental health and breastfeeding medicine. Over the past 20 years, Dr Douglas has published the evidence-base to the programs known as Neuroprotective Developmental Care (NDC or 'The Possums Programs'). NDC offers a paradigm shift in the way we help families who face breastfeeding, baby sleep and cry-fuss challenges, and is changing practice world-wide. Dr Douglas' ground-breaking work is detailed in 30 international research publications and in her best-selling The Discontented Little Baby Book.