Management of Mild to Moderate Fever in Children – An Update on Current Best Practice
Management of the febrile child is a common problem. This lecture will provide an update on the “best practice” approach to reduce fever, rational and safe use of antipyretics, practical hydration strategies, common sources of infection to examine...
Functional Gut Disease in Infants – Colic, Constipation, Reflux
Functional gut disorders are very common in infancy. They are generally self-limiting and rarely represent an underlying pathological diagnosis. Nonetheless, they have a significant impact on parents/carers as well as being a common reason for.......
Bariatric Surgery – Options, Outcomes, Risks, and Post-Op Needs
Bariatric surgery is the most effective treatment option for the patient with significant obesity. The GP plays an integral role in the shared care long term management of the bariatric patient. This lecture will describe the most commonly used......
National Cervical Screening Program – An Update on Recent Changes
The intermediate risk pathway for patients with a HPV (not 16/18) +ve cervical screening test result changed on 1st February 2021 based on new data collected from the National Cervical Screening Program. In order to support best-practice clinical....
Preventing Infectious Disease Outbreaks in Residential Aged Care
The COVID pandemic has demonstrated to us that the elderly in aged care institutions are particularly vulnerable to infectious disease outbreaks. Many of these diseases can be prevented with immunisations commonly available.
Prevention of Preterm Birth in Australia
Professor John Newnham AM and Senior Australian of the Year, leads the Australian Preterm Birth Prevention Alliance whose goal is to safely lower the rate of preterm birth in Australia. The seven major interventions will be discussed.